Biyernes, Enero 13, 2012

Steps to a Successful Trip

Three important  steps to a successful trip:

1. READ - read anything you can get your hands on about your destinations, from any guidebooks. before you rush out and spend money budgeted for your trip on books, check out the guidebooks, which  has a wealth of information on travel. find out which guides fit your needs.

2. ASK -  ask family, friends and travel agents  questions about your destination. people love to share their experiences and their knowledge. how often have we recieved invaluable information through casual conversation? your reading should prompt many questions and now is the time to find the answers.

3. PLAN -  plan ahead, advance planning can save your money and help alleviate  stress further down the road. By planning and asking, you may recieve many discounts that you were unaware existed, from prebooking savings to off- season .